Janice Emery died on February 12, 2002. She jumped to her death off of the Rio Grande Bridge. Her death is still a mystery as many of her friends and neighbors did not believe Jan committed suicide, but rather as a result of the teachings of the spiritual leader, Carlos Castenedes.
For those of us that new Janice in high school, she was a warm, kind, extremely intelligent, thought-provoking (even in high school) individual. I believe Jan's spirit will continue to thrive.
Gary Henry
That is really sad. Hope she is in a better place now...
Madeline Gaffigan
I'm sorry to hear of Janice's passing. I hope she's found her peace wherever she's now.
Carol Shuboy (Mahoney)
I met Janice in Jr. High School. She was a friendly caring person, and the world lost a beautiful person that would have made it a betterplace, on tragic day. All my love and Blessings to you Janice.