From Joe Cassissi
Deceased Classmate: Timothy Surma
Date Of Birth:
Date Deceased: 6-20-2004
Age at Death: 49
Cause of Death: staff
Classmate City: Clinton township
Classmate State: MI
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: No
Survived By:
He was a my best friend since kindergarten, in elementary school he was the best dodge ball player ever. And a really good bowler and played the drums really good he was in Brablec's marching band. I miss him he was a good friend.
Madeline Gaffigan
I remember Tim in Jr. High. Memories of Mr. Perkins constantly after the drummers, "What are the drummers up to now? What are they doing in the Practice Rooms? Get the drummers out here now! Surma! Surma! " The drummers had all the fun. Thanks for the memories, Tim.
Carol Shuboy (Mahoney)
I also wnet to grade school thru high school with Tim. He was a fierce dodge ball player and I did manage to actually catch one of his powerful throws, which knocked the wind out of me. It is a great loss to all who knew him. All my love and Blessings to you Tim.